The Natural Product Directory 
Your Source for Natural Product Information 

Natural Product Categories

Here are the categories we currently rate natural beauty products for. We may add more product types if there is a demand for them, so feel free to contact us if you would like to see another category represented. You may also use the search box below to search for a specific product or brand.

Cosmetics - Click here to find fact sheets with ratings and reviews of natural makeup such as foundation, powder, eyeliner and mascara, blush, and natural lip-gloss.

Skin Care - Click here for ratings and reviews of natural skin care products including natural facial and body cleansers, body lotions, moisturizers, and natural deodorants. Also includes men's and natural baby products.

Hair Care - Click here to browse unbiased ratings and customer reviews of natural hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, natural styling aids, and hair treatments.

Search Tips: The search results will open in a new window. Close the window to return to this page. For best results, use one or two word phrases - for example, "shampoo," or "Aubrey Organics".
